Option Technologies Blog

Why Audience Polling is the Best Conference Technology for Speakers

Written by Mark Fite | Mon, Aug 07, 2017

In order to make your presentation memorable to attendees, using the right technology is vital. However, there are several options to choose from— which technology will best drive audience engagement for an unforgettable presentation?

The answer is simple: the best conference technology for speakers and presenters is audience polling. Here’s why.

Engaged Learning for any Audience

Audience polling features several key benefits that contribute to a successful presentation. In addition to aiding audience participation for crowds (whether they’re small, massive, or any size in between), polling can also help attendees retain more information. What does this mean? You’ll no longer need to worry if your message is resonating across a sea of faces.

Each member of the audience can participate, contribute ideas and become involved in the presentation itself, which can significantly boost interest, engagement, and most importantly, retention.


In addition to successfully engaging an audience of any size, you can poll anonymous questions, which help identify the “elephant in the room” that must be addressed.  Anonymous polling provides honest feedback without fear of reprisal. Many people would love to share their thoughts without being spotted and selected from the crowd (any introverts here?), and anonymous polling techniques can help accomplish this, leading to much more effective meetings.

Streamlined Knowledge

Polling is an essential tool for gaining a sense of your audience. Speakers often come prepared with several layers of information. Gaining a sense of the audience can help a speaker determine where to start and what knowledge the audience already knows.  This allows the presenter to tailor the agenda to meet the needs of those on hand, jumping right into subjects that are new and interesting for attendees.

If your audience begins to grow restless (or worse, bored), a quick poll can snap their attention back to the presentation.  Polling helps identify problem content or difficult subject matter. Presenters can use results to adjust what they are doing for maximum impact.  

More than just “Yes or No”

With innovative polling tools, you can ask your audience real questions that require in-depth thoughtful answers that go far beyond “yes or no” and multiple choice. Want to know exactly which of your topics your audience wants to hear about most? Ask them!  Want an audience member to share a unique experience to get the conversation started? Ask them!

With dynamic polling that allows attendees to form complex answers and even their own questions, there are several opportunities to make an impact and enhance your presentations like never before.

Now that you know exactly why audience polling is the best tech for speakers, it’s time to bring polling to your presentations! Contact us at Option Technologies today and our conference tech experts will get you started.