Option Technologies Blog

Sales Meeting Training: Boost Conversion Rates for Your Sales Reps

Written by Mark Fite | Thu, Mar 08, 2018

A common goal in all sales meetings is to boost conversion rates for your sales representatives. In other words, turn a lead into a purchase a higher percentage of the time.

Using your sales meeting for training purposes is helpful if you have the right tools to integrate the training into the meeting format. VPs and Directors want to see an ROI from their sales meetings, so using a tool like Option Power to engage sales reps and increase information retention is vital. The following are six training points to help your sales representatives go from good to great!


#1: Add Value to the Relationship

In order for a client or customer to commit to buying from you, it requires a level of trust. When your sales team pursues leads, it’s smart to give something away in exchange for contact information. This is the best way to start to slowly build a trusting relationship, which will eventually lead to a sale.

Maybe a free trial will help move them closer to becoming a customer. Also try to find out the biggest pain points in their business, and offer solutions, even if your company doesn’t offer those solutions.


#2: Keep in Touch

A client might not be ready or able to make a purchase right away, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t ever hear from them again. Make an effort to retain the customer’s contact information, whether they’re assessing your product in a face-to-face convo or via your website.

Their product needs could change, there could be a sale that makes the product more appealing, or they could discuss their options with their company’s higher-ups and decide it’s time to buy. If they know how to reach you, they’re more likely to make the purchase.


#3: Incentivize the Prospect

Is your prospective client on the fence? Don’t be afraid to offer an incentive to pull them back from the brink of indecisiveness. A flash sale, a limited time offer, or a one-time-only discount could be sufficiently tempting to encourage the prospect to make the purchase.

#5: Pitch to Pain Points

Knowing where a potential client might have aggravation or a need that has not yet been adequately taken care of is a great way for a sales rep to make a discussion with a lead last longer. Take the time to do your homework about the prospect’s industry in general and business in particular, learning about the issues that your product can resolve for them.

#6: Determine Who Has Made a Purchase and Why

A good training exercise for your sales reps is to study converted customers. Why did they decide to buy your product? Whether it’s one of their own clients or a customer of another member of the sales team, encourage each rep to figure out what worked to help them sign on the dotted line.

These training tips will help your reps convert leads to sales at a higher rate. How do you help you sales reps learn these skills during the meeting? Option Technologies’ new Powerpoint software add-on, Option Power offers users a hands-on experience that will help them learn and retain the methods you’re teaching.

The audience—your sales team— will be able to learn more information faster and with a higher retention rate through question/answer portions and learning games that keep them engaged in the presentation. Option Power has the ability to immediately show polling results from audience participation, reduces the need for feedback surveys and assessments of the meeting, and can easily export data to Excel or Access after the sales meeting training has concluded.

Get in touch with Option Technologies today to learn more about how we can help you increase your ROI from your sales meetings, increase your sales reps’ conversion rates, and ease the way you compare data from different meetings.