Option Technologies Blog

How Renting iPads for Your Team Can Increase a Conference's Retention Value

Written by Mark Fite | Wed, Mar 15, 2017

Technological advancements have provided for an ever-increasing amount of tools and resources available to us, all at our fingertips. We are a culture of convenience; people want to work smarter, not harder. More and more companies are seeing great value in technology that drives up their team’s efficiency and productivity. Nowhere is this more evident than in the new trend to rent iPads in bulk for conference use.

Technology is Trending

Tablets have been growing in popularity among business professionals for their versatility, functionality, and convenience. They make it possible to take the presentation from the big screen of a conference to the hands of every team member or attendee.

As soon as the newest iPad is released, it seems like Apple is announcing the next, newest, and greatest product or update. Renting iPads in bulk is a practical and cost effective option for organizations whose budget doesn’t allow for the investment of purchasing a tablet for each person on the team; the team can have the advantages of using an iPad without incurring a hefty hit to the budget. It also makes it feasible to have the most recent technology in the hands of your attendees.

The customizability of iPad rentals makes them a valuable tool for any conference, regardless of industry or niche. Conferences offering such cutting-edge technology are bound to seem more impressive; as a bonus, tablets lead to a more personalized experience, driving engagement and increasing knowledge sharing.

As more organizations become concerned about their environmental footprint, it’s more appealing to rent iPads for the team. Taking the pen and paper out of the equation and replacing it with a tablet reduces waste. Maps, schedules, and literature that would otherwise be crumpled up at the bottom of a swag bag and ultimately end up in the waste bin can be accessed anywhere, anytime. iPads also allow for team members to view speaker presentations, participate in surveys, and take notes.

Overall, bulk iPad rentals offer an enhanced user experience, increasing engagement and providing for more trackability. To learn more about which rental package best suits your needs, visit us here.

Are you interested in learning more about increasing the value of your conference, therefore boosting attendance? Download our ebook today!