Option Technologies Blog

How to Amplify your Next Sales Meeting with Interactive Games

Written by Annemarie Vandenberg | Fri, Jun 02, 2017

When it comes to hosting a sales meeting, ensuring that new information you’re trying to convey is being received and sticking with your audience is vital. Current meeting practices lack participation and entertainment which hinders learning and makes for a dull presentation. This lack of activity cripples the effectiveness of your presentation. However, it has never been easier to increase learning and add fun into your meetings by incorporating interactive PowerPoint games with integrated audience response technology.


One of the most detrimental problems for sales meetings is to merely read off a long list of information and expectations. Don’t exclusively read off your agenda, this creates a one-sided meeting which leads to disengagement between the audience and yourself. If your audience becomes disengaged it will be easy to tune you and new information out. With daydreaming and dozing off becoming a norm it is vital to capture your audience’s attention and keep them focused on the task at hand. Whether your sales meeting involves going over new goals, previous goals, or changes in policies, interactive games will add value to your presentation by catching and holding the audience’s attention through participation in fun activities.

     Let’s list out the most common components of your sales meeting:

  • Assess previous/new sales goals
  • Introduction of new products
  • Training/Development
  • Motivation/Recognition
  • Trends/Opportunities
  • Marketing

Incorporating interactive presentation games changes these objectives from a lecture to a fully immersive, memorable and unique experience because you bring your audience into the conversation with you. They won’t be daydreaming about what they are having for dinner because their attention will be locked on to figuring out the game questions presented and responding in the appropriate time. This is a great way to add excitement into your meeting and guarantee that your audience will be thrilled to come back for more!

Interactive games are perfect for updating your current presentations because you can customize answers and questions to fit your specific sales needs. You will be able to switch up the games from meeting to meeting to keep each presentation refreshed and new.  Through the use of interactive games, your audience will be actively involved in critical thinking to find the correct answer to the questions being presented.  Critical thinking and active participation create the perfect environment for long term memory retention because your audience is fully focused, entertained, and personally involved in the learning process.

Specifically, quiz games are perfect for sales meetings due to their competitive nature, which will keep your audience’s mind stimulated while being entertained. The act of problem solving will bring the information to life for easier recall post-meeting. These games are not only great on the individual level but also work well with team competition. Team competition will help with relationship building, cooperation, and communication skills. All of this is adding value to your presentation while at the same time not taking away from the topics being discussed. Having an interactive presentation will make your audience excited to come back for more.

Overall, interactive presentation games will incorporate the following and more into your presentations:

  • Audience participation/engagement
  • A memorable and exciting experience
  • Facilitating group communication/cooperation
  • Problem solving
  • Long term memory retention
  • Entertainment/Stimulation
  • Critical thinking/Promote analysis
  • Team Building
  • Increased morale

The easiest and most effective way to create interactive quizzes is to use a PowerPoint add-in tool with integrated audience response technology. Incorporating audience response technology with the PowerPoint games will further enhance your sales meetings by putting the power of interaction right in your audience’s hand, creating a seamless game play and presentation. The PowerPoint add-in tool will have built in gaming templates which can be easily modified to best fit your presentation theme and discussions. This allows for open communication and real time responses from the audience, expediting the learning process. Not only is this exciting for your audience but it also helps you to gather data on responses to see what your audience is thinking. If your questions are policy or product based you will also be able to see what area your employees may need further training on if there is a large portion of the audience giving incorrect answers.

Interactive presentation games will enhance all aspects of your sales meetings, from creating entertainment to information retention. Avoid the disconnection of one-sided meetings and refresh your presentations with active audience participation. Not only will you maximize valuable time but your audience will walk away excited for the next meeting!


Get your audiences actively participating at your next meeting with the best audience response system and PowerPoint gaming templates!