Attending a conference can be time and energy consuming; carrying your folio and briefcase, listening to guest speakers, taking notes, and completing paper surveys and evaluations before heading off to your next session. With OptionPower and the OptionFinder G3 response system you pick up a small keypad at the beginning of a conference to participate and confirm your attendance at sessions.
OTI’s G3 keypads provide a special dynamic addressing mode, which lets conference participants go anywhere during a conference and instantly connect to the active response system in a specific session.
Here is a practical example from a CME (Continuing Medical Education) conference. Let’s say you are attending the Orthopedic Medical Conference. When you first arrive at the convention center, you receive a small battery operated keypad that that serves as your voting device. You are now set to attend your first session with Dr. Smith in Room 952 of the convention center. You plan to attend a second session with Dr. Thompson in room 342.
How are you going to fill out the case study questions and survey at the end of your session with Dr. Smith and still make it to attend the session with Dr. Thompson on schedule? That is where your OTI G3 keypad comes into play. You will be able to use the G3 to vote during the course of each session so that you recieve attendance and continuing education credits! But then you wonder how your G3 will be able to connect and send in your answers at each session.
When you first walk into room 952, your G3 will ask you to join a session. Once session “952 Ortho Trends” is selected, your keypad will be assigned a session ID. During Dr. Smith’s talk you will be asked to answer case study and evaluation questions presented on PowerPoint slides. Your unique handset ID is recorded with your answers so that your conference organizers can provide you with continuing education credits. Once Session 952 is over, you speed walk your way towards your next session, thinking that you’re going to be late as usual, but, thankfully, you are able to get a bite to eat and some coffee on the way with time to spare!
Upon arriving at room 342, your G3 keypad will ask you to connect to another session and will assign a new session ID. You select session “342 Multi-Medial Pain Control.” The system tracks your attendance and answers in the new session. See how simple that was? You continue to follow these steps throughout the conference and turn in your G3 keypads at the end of the event when you’re finished. You were able to actually enjoy Dr. Thompson’s session and the rest of the conference rather than stressing about making it to your sessions on time!
Since this was a continuing education conference, you want to make sure you get credit to meet ongoing certification requirements. With dynamic addressing, the system tracks these administrative details. The G3 keypad that you carried around from room to room has its own unique ID. This ID was linked to your identity when you received the keypad at registration. An OptionPower® system roster links your personal information to your attendance and session responses provided via your G3 keypad ID.
Wouldn’t it be more convenient to pick up a different keypad in each session instead of carrying one around? In order to record your attendance and answers during each session, you have to use your assigned keypad. This way you will receive continuing education credit and will be able to obtain your assessment results upon completion of the conference.
OptionPower® can generate individual feedback reports for each conference participant. These reports allow participants to review which correct and incorrect responses they submitted during sessions so they can do additional post-conference review.
For more information on OptionFinder keypad systems available for purchase or rent, pleased contact an OTI representative at 407-872-3333 or click here.